T-SQL Tuesday

T-SQL Tuesday #130: Automate your stress away

This month, Elizabeth Noble asks us to talk about things we have automated (or want to automate). I talk about a project I just started, called GetAllTheErrorLogs.

T-SQL Tuesday #128: Learn from others

For this month's T-SQL Tuesday, Kerry Tyler asks us to talk about something that went wrong. I had plenty to choose from, and went way back to ~2002 for this short story.

T-SQL Tuesday #123: Life hacks

This month, Jess Pomfret hosts T-SQL Tuesday, and asks us to talk about our own personal life hacks that make our day easier.

T-SQL Tuesday #121: Gifts

For this month's T-SQL Tuesday, I talk about an opportunity earlier this year to significantly change my career trajectory.

T-SQL Tuesday #119: Changing my mind

For this month's T-SQL Tuesday, I talk about an incident where I've changed my mind about something I was previously pretty stubborn about.

T-SQL Tuesday #102: Giving back

I give some scattered thoughts about how I have contributed to the SQL Server community throughout my career.

T-SQL Tuesday #99: Roundup

I recap a grand total of FIFTY entries in this month's T-SQL Tuesday. A lot of interesting submissions!

T-SQL Tuesday #99: Random collections

For my T-SQL Tuesday entry, I show off my hockey and football card collection, license plates from all over the world, and a very special collection of "Everything Happens to Aaron" books.


I submit a wish list item for the 80th T-SQL Tuesday: CREATE OR REPLACE, a cleaner way to deploy objects without losing permissions.