SQL Server

Using named instances? Test your DAC connection!

Playing around today, I discovered that I was locked out of my local named instance using the Dedicated Administrator Connection. This post shows why and explains how you can avoid getting shut out of your own instance.

Splitting strings: Now with less T-SQL

Some interesting discussions always evolve around the topic of splitting strings; here I show splitting on the database side may not be necessary in the first place.

Conditional Order By

See how you can dynamically drive sort column and sort order.

Splitting strings: A follow-up

There were a lot of comments following my post last week about string splitting, and I have tried to address those here.

2011, a year in review

In early 2012, I review some of my community contributions and travels from 2011.

T-SQL Tuesday #25: T-SQL tips and tricks

This month's T-SQL Tuesday is being hosted by Allen White (@SQLRunr) and is about sharing your T-SQL tips and tricks. Since I know many people...

Will you use EOMONTH?

When EOMONTH was first announced, I questioned its value, and thought BOMONTH would have been more useful.