I am honored to be hosting the 99th installment of T-SQL Tuesday. Can you believe this monthly blog party has been going on, month in and month out, since 2009? This is a great way for a bunch of us to get together, every four weeks or so, and blog about something along the same topic. What a great idea by Adam Machanic and now, looking back, I feel a bit guilty for not hosting until now!
Getting to this month's topic, when I think of the number 99, I think of a variety of things. As a Canadian who has collected hockey cards since age 5, though, the strongest association I have is with Wayne Gretzky. I don't expect there's a massive overlap with hockey fans in this audience, but I have to imagine most of you know who he is, and how much he has meant to the sport. The card pictured here is not a particularly valuable card, but it is one of my most prized possessions. It has always been one of my favorite cards of #99, and whenever I see it, I get this huge wave of nostalgia from my childhood winters – playing hockey, watching Hockey Night in Canada, and cracking open a few packs of hockey cards with whatever was left of my allowance.
Anyway, I was torn when thinking about the topic. I feel like there have been a lot of professional development flavors in recent months, which kind of distances the content from its namesake. At the same time, those types of posts tend to draw a lot of interest, and in the end give us all greater insights into the personalities and opinions of other folks in the community. They almost force us all to get to know each other better, and I think that's a great thing. Are you with me so far, #SQLFamily?
So here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to offer you a choice.
Behind door #1:
In the spirit of my revelations about still being a hockey card nerd after all these years, and after seeing Drew Furgiuele's great post on #sqlibirum, I would love to hear about something you are passionate about, outside of the SQL Server or tech community. Bonus points if it's a passion that might surprise the rest of us. Play the Zeusaphone? Excel in Segway Polo? Forge Samurai swords? Coach a chess boxer or extreme ironer? Maybe you dabble in toilet seat art? Tell me about it! Show me proof! If you choose door #1, I hope your post is full of pictures or other media, and not just a wall of text. Let's keep it PG, though, OK?
Behind door #2:
Since many of you might be uncomfortable talking about your non-technical passions, I'll give you an escape pod back to the more familiar. I have a long laundry list of T-SQL bad habits (there's a big index here). What's your favorite one? Which one do you disagree with most vehemently? What bad habits are missing from my list? This is not entrapment; I promise I'm not going to bait you into writing something just so I can argue with you. I'm really interested in reading your opinions and, also, to have more material I can point to when I talk about bad habits and/or best practices.
The Rules
Like all the T-SQL Tuesdays that have come before (and that one time we did it on a Wednesday – yes, really), the usual rules apply:
- Publish your post on or after midnight, UTC, on Tuesday, February 13th, and before midnight, UTC, on Wednesday, February 14th. For those of you familiar with my datetime rants, you know that that can only be expressed in one way:
WHERE PublishDateUTC >= '20180213' AND PublishDateUTC < '20180214'; -- BETWEEN does not work here, at least not reliably
- Feature the T-SQL Tuesday logo. You can copy Michael Swart's high-quality image above, but please don't hot-link.
- If you tweet about your post, use the #TSQL2sday hash tag. If you are new to blogging, please also feel free to use the #SQLNewBlogger hash tag.
Once your post is complete, leave a comment here. Don't trust that I'll see your tweet; I'm still catching up on twitter from last week.
As you probably expect, I'll write a roundup post after the deadline, and then we can all wait with crazy anticipation for Adam's invitation for #100!
I know I'm nearly a week late, but I just saw this today and decided to put in my piece: http://ladyruna.blogspot.com/2018/02/t-sql-tuesday-99-passion-for-sewing.html
Forgot to leave a comment, but I did post a blog! http://lisagb.info/archives/43!
I was very busy yesterday, and while you can schedule blogs posts and tweets in advance, you cannot (AFAIK) schedule comments.
So a delayed comment pointing to a post that was made on time: https://sqlserverfast.com/blog/hugo/2018/02/t-sql-tuesday-99-dealers-choice/ – with more about my personal life than you ever wanted to know.
Thanks for hosting Aaron! My post is here: https://www.mlakartechtalk.com/t-sql-tuesday-99-dealers-choice-passion/
My first time being tardy http://clarkcreations.net/blog/tsql2sday-dealers-choice/
Posted about music and singing for my entry. (Considered board games, but I think I spend more time w/ music than gaming.)
My contribution:
Thanks for hosting!
My submission: https://swasheck.gitlab.io/blog/2018-02-13-tsql-tuesday-99/
I blogged about LARPing!
Hi Aaron, thanks for hosting this month! I ended up writing on both topics – I really wanted to do the first topic, but I have so few technical posts up that it felt like cheating. So here's part 1 (about bad habits/best practices) and part 2 (about me):
I can't follow directions – here's my T-SQL Tuesday post https://blogs.sentryone.com/loriedwards/t-sql-tuesday-99-favorite-aaron-bertrand-t-sql-rant/
Done! First time in a while. Thanks for hosting. https://thelonedba.wordpress.com/2018/02/13/t-sql-tuesday-bad-habits-fixed-by-sqlprompt/
First post! https://jesspomfret.com/2018/02/13/t-sql-tuesday-99/
Thanks for hosting, Aaron! Here's my blog post: https://www.cathrinewilhelmsen.net/2018/02/13/collecting-geeky-norwegian-humor/
I joined the fray as well for this month.
Had to republish. Thanks again for hosting!
I actually got one done on-time for once! :o) https://natethedba.wordpress.com/2018/02/13/t-sql-tuesday-99-counting-rows-the-less-hard-way/ Pleasure reading yours as always!
I have posted about my passion for making beer. https://www.sqlskills.com/blogs/glenn/t-sql-tuesday-99-home-brewing/
Hi Aaron – Thank you for T-SQL Tuesday topics. Here's my blog entry: http://www.lucasnotes.com/2018/02/t-sql-tuesday-99-work-life-balance.html.
I mashed up SQL and Motorcycles. https://sqlmac.com/tsql-tuesday-99-outside-interests/
Fun topic Aaron! Here's a link to my post in case ping back doesn't work right.
Here is my contribution http://tracyboggiano.com/archive/2018/02/t-sql-tuesday-99/
T-SQL Tuesday #99 – What's Behind Door #1 http://sqlsoldier.net/wp/sqlserver/tsqltuesday99whatsbehinddoor1
Thanks for hosting Aaron! Here's my contribution.
My post: http://thedatayouneed.com/t-sql-tuesday-99-dealers-choice/
Aaron – thanks for hosting! My contribution is here: https://sqlatspeed.com/2018/02/13/t-sql-tuesday-99-racing-and-sqlibrium/.
Thanks for hosting! 🙂 T-SQL Tuesday #99 : My #sqlibrium http://bakeituntilyoucakeit.com/2018/02/13/t-sql-tuesday-99-my-sqlibirum/
Here is my TSQL Tuesday Post. Oh! The places you will Go! http://john.deardurff.com/tsql-tuesday-99/
Door number one: http://sqlkover.com/t-sql-tuesday-99-door-1/
Door number two: http://sqlkover.com/t-sql-tuesday-99-door-2/
Thanks for hosting!
Thanks for hosting a great topic this month Aaron. Excited to read what everyone else writes about. Here's my post: https://bertwagner.com/2018/02/13/what-i-do-when-im-not-writing-sql/
Thanks Aaron – mine's over at http://blogs.lobsterpot.com.au/2018/02/13/revisiting-group-v-distinct/
thanks Aaron for hosting this month, great range of topics!
Here´s my addition
Here's my contribution (door #2) about choosing a correct data type for id columns