Policy-Based Management: facets and evaluation methods
October 3rd, 2011
Policy-Based Management: facets and evaluation methods
October 3rd, 2011

At SQLBits this week, a colleague of Chris Testa-O'Neill asked me a question about Policy-Based Management. Specifically, he wanted to know how to determine, programmatically, which execution modes are applicable to each facet – or, inversely, how to determine all facets that are supported by, say, "on change : prevent."

While on the plane ride home, I built this view in Denali, making sure to convert the names to the friendly names you see in Object Explorer and the various policy/condition GUIs in Management Studio (a relationship realized by some unknown mapping table) and to hide facets that are not exposed in the UI (also filtered in Management Studio using some unknown formula). This view will also work in SQL Server 2008 R2 and, I suspect, SQL Server 2008 as well, but I've only tested in 2008 R2 and 2012.

USE [msdb];
-- of course you are welcome to use a more friendly name than this;
-- just trying to be consistent with the existing syspolicy objects.
CREATE VIEW dbo.syspolicy_management_facet_execution_modes
        facet_name = name,
        friendly_name = CASE name
            WHEN 'ApplicationRole'              THEN 'Application Role'
            WHEN 'AsymmetricKey'                THEN 'Asymmetric Key'
            WHEN 'AvailabilityDatabase'         THEN 'Availability Database'      -- new in Denali
            WHEN 'AvailabilityGroup'            THEN 'Availability Group'         -- new in Denali
            WHEN 'IAvailabilityGroupState'      THEN 'Availability Group State'   -- new in Denali
            WHEN 'AvailabilityReplica'          THEN 'Availability Replica'       -- new in Denali
            WHEN 'BackupDevice'                 THEN 'Backup Device'
            WHEN 'BrokerPriority'               THEN 'Broker Priority'
            WHEN 'BrokerService'                THEN 'Broker Service'
            WHEN 'CryptographicProvider'        THEN 'Cryptographic Provider'
            WHEN 'DataFile'                     THEN 'Data File'
            WHEN 'DatabaseAuditSpecification'   THEN 'Database Audit Specification'
            WHEN 'DatabaseDdlTrigger'           THEN 'Database DDL Trigger'
            WHEN 'IDatabaseMaintenanceFacet'    THEN 'Database Maintenance'
            WHEN 'IDatabaseOptions'             THEN 'Database Options'
            WHEN 'IDatabasePerformanceFacet'    THEN 'Database Performance'
            WHEN 'DatabaseReplicaState'         THEN 'Database Replica State'     -- new in Denali
            WHEN 'DatabaseRole'                 THEN 'Database Role'
            WHEN 'IDatabaseSecurityFacet'       THEN 'Database Security'
            WHEN 'FileGroup'                    THEN 'Filegroup'
            WHEN 'FullTextCatalog'              THEN 'Full Text Catalog'
            WHEN 'FullTextIndex'                THEN 'Full Text Index'
            WHEN 'FullTextStopList'             THEN 'Full Text Stop List'
            WHEN 'LinkedServer'                 THEN 'Linked Server'
            WHEN 'LogFile'                      THEN 'Log File'
            WHEN 'ILoginOptions'                THEN 'Login Options'
            WHEN 'MessageType'                  THEN 'Message Type'
            WHEN 'IMultipartNameFacet'          THEN 'Multipart Name'
            WHEN 'INameFacet'                   THEN 'Name'
            WHEN 'PartitionFunction'            THEN 'Partition Function'
            WHEN 'PartitionScheme'              THEN 'Partition Scheme'
            WHEN 'PlanGuide'                    THEN 'Plan Guide'
            WHEN 'RemoteServiceBinding'         THEN 'Remote Service Binding'
            WHEN 'ResourceGovernor'             THEN 'Resource Governor'
            WHEN 'ResourcePool'                 THEN 'Resource Pool'
            WHEN 'SearchPropertyList'           THEN 'Search Property List'       -- new in Denali
            WHEN 'Sequence'                     THEN 'Sequence'                   -- new in Denali
            WHEN 'IServerAuditFacet'            THEN 'Server Audit'
            WHEN 'ServerAuditSpecification'     THEN 'Server Audit Specification'
            WHEN 'IServerConfigurationFacet'    THEN 'Server Configuration'
            WHEN 'ServerDdlTrigger'             THEN 'Server DDL Trigger'
            WHEN 'IServerInformation'           THEN 'Server Information'
            WHEN 'IServerSetupFacet'            THEN 'Server Installation Settings'
            WHEN 'IServerPerformanceFacet'      THEN 'Server Performance'
            WHEN 'IServerProtocolSettingsFacet' THEN 'Server Protocol Settings'
            WHEN 'ServerRole'                   THEN 'Server Role'                -- new in Denali
            WHEN 'IServerSecurityFacet'         THEN 'Server Security'
            WHEN 'IServerSelectionFacet'        THEN 'Server Selection'
            WHEN 'IServerSettings'              THEN 'Server Settings'
            WHEN 'ServiceContract'              THEN 'Service Contract'
            WHEN 'ServiceQueue'                 THEN 'Service Queue'
            WHEN 'ServiceRoute'                 THEN 'Service Route'
            WHEN 'StoredProcedure'              THEN 'Stored Procedure'
            WHEN 'ISurfaceAreaFacet'            THEN 'Surface Area Configuration'
            WHEN 'ISurfaceAreaConfigurationForAnalysisServer'
                THEN 'Surface Area Configuration For Analysis Services'
            WHEN 'ISurfaceAreaConfigurationForReportingServices'
                THEN 'Surface Area Configuration For Reporting Services'
            WHEN 'SymmetricKey'                 THEN 'Symmetric Key'
            WHEN 'ITableOptions'                THEN 'Table Optioons'
            WHEN 'UserDefinedAggregate'         THEN 'User Defined Aggregate'
            WHEN 'UserDefinedDataType'          THEN 'User Defined Data Type'
            WHEN 'UserDefinedFunction'          THEN 'User Defined Function'
            WHEN 'UserDefinedType'              THEN 'User Defined Type'
            WHEN 'IUserOptions'                 THEN 'User Options'
            WHEN 'UserDefinedTableType'         THEN 'User-Defined Table Type'
            WHEN 'IViewOptions'                 THEN 'View Options'
            WHEN 'WorkloadGroup'                THEN 'Workload Group'
            WHEN 'XmlSchemaCollection'          THEN 'Xml Schema Collection'
            ELSE name
        On_Demand = 1,
        On_Schedule       = CONVERT(BIT, execution_mode & 4),
        On_Change_Log     = CONVERT(BIT, execution_mode & 2),
        On_Change_Prevent = CONVERT(BIT, execution_mode & 1)
        -- these do not have corresponding entries in the facet
        -- dropdowns or in Object Explorer, so leave them out:
        name NOT IN

So with that view in place you can run a simple query like this:

SELECT friendly_name, On_Demand, On_Schedule, 
       On_Change_Log, On_Change_Prevent
    FROM msdb.dbo.syspolicy_management_facet_execution_modes
    ORDER BY friendly_name;

And if you wanted to get only those eligible for, say, "on change : prevent":

SELECT friendly_name
    FROM msdb.dbo.syspolicy_management_facet_execution_modes
    WHERE On_Change_Prevent = 1
    ORDER BY friendly_name;

In SQL Server 2008 R2, this returns 14 rows; in SQL Server 2012, you'll see 16 rows. The two new facets that are eligible for "on change : prevent" are Schema and Sequence.

In the SQL Server 2008 R2 Books Online topic, "Administering Servers by Using Policy-Based Management", you will see the following statement:

All facets support On demand and On schedule.

This is not quite true; there are a few facets (such as IServerSettings) that do not support on schedule – at least through the UI. The statement has been removed from the Denali version of the documentation, but it was not true in 2008 or 2008 R2 either.

By: Aaron Bertrand

I am a passionate technologist with industry experience dating back to Classic ASP and SQL Server 6.5. I am a long-time Microsoft MVP, write at Simple Talk, SQLPerformance, and MSSQLTips, and have had the honor of speaking at more conferences than I can remember. In non-tech life, I am a husband, a father of two, a huge hockey and football fan, and my pronouns are he/him.