Queue table issues with Availability Groups in SQL Server

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I recently came across an issue in a SQL Server Availability Group scenario where queries against a heavily-used queue table were taking longer and longer over time. The symptoms of the query were that logical reads were increasing rapidly, and we ultimately tracked it down to ghost records (and version ghost records) that were being created as rows from the queue table were consumed and deleted. Because the database was being used in a readable secondary, the ghost cleanup process simply wasn't able to keep up with the volume of deletes against the table. The first workaround implemented was to suspend the queue consumers and rebuild the table.


Rebuilding was an acceptable trade-off to keep performance stable, but it could certainly be disruptive, even with ONLINE = ON. One idea I had was to perform a "soft delete" instead of a real delete, to reduce ghost and version ghost records. You can't avoid these completely, but you can minimize their impact.

A soft delete is when you have a column that you update when a row becomes invalid. So, given the following queue table (a copy of the original):

CREATE TABLE dbo.QueueTable_Copy
    QueueID     bigint             IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    OrgID       int                NOT NULL,
    Score       decimal(4, 2)      NOT NULL,
    LastChange  datetimeoffset(4)  NULL,
    QueueURL    nvarchar(1024)     NOT NULL,
    PK_Column   uniqueidentifier   NOT NULL DEFAULT NEWID(),

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IX_QueueTable_Copy_QueueID ON dbo.QueueTable_Copy(QueueID);

CREATE INDEX IX_QueueTable_Copy_Covering
   ON dbo.QueueTable_Copy(OrgID, Score DESC, LastChange)
   INCLUDE (QueueID, QueueURL);

I added the following bit column with a default of 0:

ALTER TABLE dbo.QueueTable_Copy ADD IsDeleted bit NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;

Then I created an index on that column so that when a row becomes "deleted," you're writing an update only to the indexes where that column is a member, instead of deleting a row and leaving ghost records in every index (except filtered indexes where the row was already excluded). Here is the index definition:

CREATE INDEX IX_QueueTable_Copy_Deleted
    ON dbo.QueueTable_Copy(PK_Column, IsDeleted)
    WHERE IsDeleted = 1;

We can also change an existing covering index that satisfies the query that pulls a new item off the queue, adding context for the new column IsDeleted:

CREATE INDEX IX_QueueTable_Copy_Covering 
    ON dbo.QueueTable(OrgID, IsDeleted, Score DESC, LastChange)
    INCLUDE(QueueID, QueueURL)
    WHERE IsDeleted = 0

Now, it's true, when you soft delete a row and that adds it to the first index, that same change removes it from the second (leaving a ghost record). But cleanup on these indexes should be much less painful, because you're not scattering ghost records all over a table that's clustered on a GUID; you're only adding those ghost records to one non-clustered index.

To deal with these ghost records on the smaller index, you can fine tune when you run the following maintenance (occasionally for infrequent impact, or frequently for minimal duration per run):

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.QueueTable_Copy_Cleanup
  DELETE dbo.QueueTable_Copy WHERE IsDeleted = (SELECT 1);
  -- trick to use skinnier, filtered index, in case of forced parameterization

You’ll want to test this operation on a real-ish workload to determine the impact and appropriate frequency.


Now, I have a measly laptop, so I don't have the ability right here to test this fully with the right AG setup that exists in our production environment. But I tried to get as close as I could to simulate the problem; I turned off ghost cleanup with global trace flag 661 and enabled both allow snapshot isolation and read committed snapshot isolation database settings. I made sure the table had plenty of rows that would actually get deleted in the load test, and plenty of rows that would get ignored.

I populated this table with 1,500,000 arbitrary rows from sys.all_columns:


INSERT dbo.QueueTable_Copy(OrgID, Score, LastChange, QueueUrl)
  SELECT a,b,c,d FROM (SELECT TOP (1000)
    ABS(object_id), ABS(column_id % 99), sysdatetimeoffset(), 'http://'
  FROM sys.all_columns ORDER BY NEWID()) x(a,b,c,d)
  SELECT a,b,c,d FROM (SELECT TOP (500)
    245575913, ABS(column_id % 99), sysdatetimeoffset(), 'http://'
  FROM sys.all_columns ORDER BY NEWID()) y(a,b,c,d);

GO 1000

Populating the original table was easier, since I just needed the same 1.5 million rows I already dumped into the first table. Don't worry, this was on a restored backup, not in production:

TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.QueueTable; 

INSERT dbo.QueueTable(OrgID, Score, LastChange, QueueURL)
  SELECT              OrgID, Score, LastChange, QueueURL
  FROM dbo.QueueTable_Copy; 

Next, I made two stored procedures to simulate the important part of the current queue-pulling logic:

  @OrgID int = 245575913
  DECLARE @QueueID int, @QueueURL nvarchar(1024);
  DECLARE @t Table (QueueID bigint, QueueURL nvarchar(1024)); 

  ;WITH x AS
    SELECT TOP (1) QueueID, QueueURL
      FROM dbo.QueueTable WITH (ROWLOCK, READPAST)
      WHERE OrgID = @OrgID
      ORDER BY Score DESC, LastChange
    OUTPUT [deleted].QueueID , [deleted].QueueURL
    INTO @t;

  -- other logic with @t

  @OrgID int = 245575913
  DECLARE @QueueID int, @QueueURL nvarchar(1024);
  DECLARE @t Table (QueueID bigint, QueueURL nvarchar(1024));

  ;WITH x AS 
    SELECT TOP (1) QueueID, QueueURL, IsDeleted
      FROM dbo.QueueTable_Copy WITH (ROWLOCK, READPAST)
      WHERE OrgID = @OrgID
      AND IsDeleted = (SELECT 0) -- trick for filtered index even under forced param
      ORDER BY Score DESC, LastChange
  UPDATE x SET IsDeleted = 1 
    OUTPUT [deleted].QueueID , [deleted].QueueURL
    INTO @t;

  -- other logic with @t

Next, I set up a batch to log and monitor the workload I would throw at this. Using a simple logging table:

CREATE TABLE dbo.Logging
  EventTime               datetime2 NOT NULL default sysdatetime(),
  TableName               sysname,
  IndexId                 int,
  PageCount               int,
  RecordCount             int,
  GhostRecordCount        int,
  VersionGhostRecordCount int

And then a simple batch that would loop, populate the logging table as the workload is running, and also trickle new rows into the table (to simulate more data being added to the queue):


  @table    sysname,
  @workload char(3) = 'old'; -- switch to 'new'

IF @workload = 'old'
  SET @table = N'QueueTable';

  INSERT dbo.QueueTable(OrgID, Score, LastChange, QueueURL)
    SELECT TOP (5) 245575913, ABS(column_id % 99), sysdatetimeoffset(), 'http://'
      FROM sys.all_columns ORDER BY NEWID();

IF @workload = 'new'
  SET @table = N'QueueTable_Copy';

  INSERT dbo.QueueTable_Copy(OrgID, Score, LastChange, QueueURL, IsDeleted)
    SELECT TOP (5) 245575913, ABS(column_id % 99), sysdatetimeoffset(), 'http://', 0
      FROM sys.all_columns ORDER BY NEWID();

INSERT dbo.Logging 
  SELECT sysdatetime(), @table, index_id, SUM(page_count), SUM(record_count),
    SUM(ghost_record_count), SUM(version_ghost_record_count)
  FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.' + @table), 
  GROUP BY index_id;
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:01';

GO 10000 

Then I opened two instances of (an older version of) SQLQueryStress and let them rip, one at a time, calling the old and new stored procedure 2,500 times each, using 200 threads, to simulate the high concurrency of the production queue table usage. The results after 500,000 iterations each:

SQLQueryStress results of 500,000 pulls from a queue table

Throughput was slightly better with the filtered indexes and soft deletes, but I was surprised logical reads stayed so high. Of course this didn't account for other read queries against the queue and the more complex logic involved in the readers. And this workload doesn't really account in either case for the maintenance that will have to come at some point in the form of ghost cleanup and/or index rebuilds. Though I did call the maintenance routine about halfway through to see how it would impact things (the delete and FORCEGHOSTCLEANUP in the new case, and just FORCEGHOSTCLEANUP in the old case).

More interesting to me, though, were the results in the logging table. In these charts, orange represents the metrics for the current, delete-on-select model, and blue represents the new, soft delete approach. The point at which I called the maintenance routine in each workload should be obvious, though I did have to smooth out the curves a little because, in the new approach, overall system resource usage was lower — as a result, I was able to capture almost twice as many samples.

First, the overall size, as you might expect, is smaller with the filtered indexes, but it does creep up over time during the workload. The non-filtered indexes stayed the same size throughout (save for the drop after the cleanup):

Comparison of size between regular and filtered indexes

The impact to ghost records is profound, but when you think about it, updating a value that is the predicate for inclusion in a single index, versus deleting the entire row across all indexes, is going to lead to about 66% fewer ghost records (and they’re smaller, to boot):

Accumulation of ghost records under full delete and soft delete

And finally, version ghost records are significantly lower in the soft delete scenario as well, but the pattern is a little more erratic:

Accumulation of version ghost records under full delete and soft delete


Nothing is free. But if you find you are constantly losing ground because ghost records can't be cleaned up quickly enough, one thing that can help is to reduce the number of ghost records you are creating. In my situation, this seemed to help all around — it made a minor improvement to queue table throughput and, more importantly, significantly slowed the rate of ghost record creation. Without running this change in a full-on production workload, and of course knowing nothing about your scenario, I can't guarantee that the impact will be exactly on this order. But it is roughly what I predicted when I first floated the idea, except for similar logical read figures, which I do plan to investigate.

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About the author
MSSQLTips author Aaron Bertrand Aaron Bertrand (@AaronBertrand) is a passionate technologist with industry experience dating back to Classic ASP and SQL Server 6.5. He is editor-in-chief of the performance-related blog, SQLPerformance.com, and also blogs at sqlblog.org.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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Comments For This Article

Friday, February 14, 2020 - 3:58:11 PM - Michael J Swart Back To Top (84494)

Too many ghost records on a "queue" table with availability groups enabled. 
I had an extremely similar problem and wrote about it here:

Our situations diverge because we only have the single clustered index.

(BTW, I noticed Andy M left a comment on that post too)
We called MS support and had no luck and settled on frequent index recompiles. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2020 - 2:55:38 PM - mike good Back To Top (84386)

Nice article, thank you.  I love the forced parameterization workaround.  Never saw or considered that before, certainly could have used it.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020 - 8:31:02 AM - John Back To Top (84338)

Good stuff and thanks for sharing!  we've also seen issues with ghosted records, not necessarily due to query workload as in your case, but due to long running/open transactions, which prevented the cleanup thread from being able to complete its work.  We found that, over time, ghosted record counts will increase, either slowly or significantly depending on workload, and tag cpu as the counts start increasing.  Left unchecked, it eventually degraded performance enough that people noticed.  In one case, it was a lot more noticable on an interface table that got used quite heavily, whose throughput started to dip enough that transactions were lagging between systems, delaying end-user productivity.

Yours was definitely a more interesting challenge with a very interesting and creative mitigation!  thanks for taking the time to write it up!

Wednesday, January 29, 2020 - 9:07:53 AM - Aaron Bertrand Back To Top (84035)

Hi @Vesa, yes, I briefly mentioned trace flag 661 in the post, but I would use that with caution in production. Your index rebuilds may not happen frequently enough to offset the gains, especially on a queue table that remains quite small in terms of actual exposed row count - by the time "eventually" rolls around, you might be reading 10x or 100x every time.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020 - 6:37:06 AM - Vesa Juvonen Back To Top (84030)

There is also a trace flag:

Trace flag 661: Disable the ghost record removal process

If enebled, index rebuilds will eventually remove ghost records.

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